Refusal, appeal
In the event of a rejection of the visa application, the decision on the rejection and the reasons for it shall be communicated to the applicant by the consul on a standard form. In the event of a refusal, the visa fee shall not be refunded by the consulate.
In the case of a decision to reject a visa application, cancel a visa, or revoke a visa, the applicant may make appeal. (In the case of approved visa case, there is no possibility of appeal!)
The client can lodge the appeal within 8 calendar days from the receipt of the decision rejecting the visa application, in person and in writing, with a signature!
The appeal is subject to a fee. The fee for the legal remedy procedure is not refundable even in the case of a positive decision made at the second instance.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade makes a decision on the appeal within 15 days.
An appeal against the annulment or revocation of a visa can be submitted within three days. The appeal will be judged by the minister responsible for foreign policy within five days.
There is possiblití for judicial review against the rejection decision made on the subject of the appeal.
In case of rejection, a new application can be submitted at any time with repeated payment of the visa processing fee.